About  The Business and Employment Centre

Passionately committed to your success.

Who We Are

The company was established as a secretarial staffing agency and incorporated in 1967 as Secretarial Services Limited (SSL). At that time, SSL provided typing services through its large typing pool and targeted housewives who could not go out to work every day and students who wished to find temporary work during the holidays. Over time, SSL also offered permanent placement for job seekers. A training division was added, providing courses in business administration and computer skills.

In the early 1990s the staffing agency side of the business was sold. To reflect the changing business environment, the new owners agreed to operate under the trading name of The Business and Employment Centre. The company changed ownership in 2017 and continues to operate as The Business and Employment Centre to this day.

The company has grown to become a full-fledged staffing agency providing staffing, business services and customised training and development programmes. It is well established as the leading provider of temporary staffing in Barbados and also provides quality HR and business support services to small, medium and large organisations as well as to entrepreneurs and private individuals.

Our Values


The Business and Employment Centre is committed to maintaining the highest level of ethical conduct in every aspect of its operations. Therefore, our business dealings, our activities and our relationships involving staff, customers, business partners, shareholders, competitors and the wider community must be characterized by integrity. This means that we do what we say we are going to do. We do things right the first time, and we take full responsibility for what we do.

Mutual Respect

Mutual respect is at the heart of how we work with each other. We will treat others better than we expect to be treated. That way, we promote civil and congenial relationships with our colleagues, our customers and business partners.

Customer Service

We continuously strive to provide superior customer service to both our internal and external customers, understanding that our clients’ customers are, by extension, our customers. How we treat our customers directly impacts us, therefore our interactions are always positive and solutions-oriented.


We are dedicated to high-quality performance. We consistently measure our results, and we follow through to achieve and exceed our goals. Maximum productivity is key!


We are passionate about our company, the clients, and the products we represent. We are advocates of these brands and are committed to the growth and prosperity of our clients; whose success is also our success.

Our News

10 Tips for Maintaining Work-Life Balance: Finding Harmony Between Work and Personal Life
In today's fast-paced world, achieving a healthy work-life balance can often feel like an elusive ... READ MORE
How to Standout In a Competitive Job Market
In today's competitive job market, it's not enough to simply blend in. Employers are inundated ... READ MORE
Building a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce: New Year, New Approach
In the ever-evolving landscape of the professional world, the dawn of a new year offers ... READ MORE